How you can get involved:

Support The Vision

We strongly believe that this vision for the future is directly from the Lord. We believe that our purpose is simply; to develop Australian artists and to preach the gospel. However, there are a few practical requirements to make those two purposes happen. 

Join our team today and help make the vision for Freedom Music Festival a reality!

Develop Aussie Artists

We have a clear vision to see young and upcoming, as well as well established Australian artists be given the platform and the resources they need to see them grow in their gifting. It’s through our events that we hope to offer artists a platform to have their music heard while developing their talents further.

Preach The Gospel

Freedom Music Festival has always had the primary focus of proclaiming the gospel message and all true freedom that Jesus offers to the lost. It’s our desire to see many lives saved for the Kingdom of God through the preaching of the gospel at these events.

Funding The Festival

We rely heavily on and are very grateful for our financial sponsors and partners that actively support the vision of Freedom Music Festival each year in offsetting our operating costs, allowing for us to provide free entry to the event for all. However, our vision for Freedom Music Festival does not stop there. We know that we need to be moving forward, stewarding what we have been given, so that we can reach many more and continue to proclaim this gospel message of true freedom to all.

To do this, we have a few capital expenses we need to cover. If you are willing and able to support this vision financially and help us cover these expenses, please see the list below for all the details.



The Main Stage

Our Main Stage is a critical component of the Freedom Music Festivals and it’s in need of some upgrades. Our team has taken it from a “bare-bones” trailer to a usable platform for artists but there’s so much more that needs to be done. We’d like to see our stage fully mobile, with permanent walls, roofing and more, so we’re able to take Freedom Music Festival on the road.



The Festival Grounds

We are very blessed to have been able to use the facilities of Dayspring Farm in the Calico Creek area just outside Gympie each year thus far, and it’s our vision to further develop these facilities in partnership with the property owners.

This includes improving the physical grounds of the main stage, increasing camping facilities and capacity, and much more.



Sound & Lighting

We believe in doing everything to the best of our ability to honour what the Lord has entrusted us with. This means excellence.

Our sound and lighting equipment is in need of improvement and we would like to own this equipment, rather than hire it. This means purchasing expensive but much needed sound and lighting hardware and resources. 

Need More Info?

Pay It Forwards

As we all know, events like this have a cost. However, our goal is to never allow a cost to prevent anyone from joining us at Freedom Music Festival. We believe that the gospel of Jesus is a message for everyone and that no one should miss the opportunity to hear it. With this approach, we encourage you to consider “paying it forward“. Help us make it just a little more possible to have someone else join us at Freedom Music Festival in the future.

Total Pay It Forwards Donations ($)

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We’d love to hear from you.
Drop us a message via our socials or an email via teh form above and we’ll do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

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YOU can help the Freedom Music Festival vision become a reality